We were not meant to work or do life alone. Yet, many women remain isolated and alone. Why is that? We falsely believe
- before we can be successful, we have to get it together
- before we can offer the world our expertise, we have to fix ourselves
- before we can move from indecisiveness to action, we have to figure everything out ourselves
Most women believe one or all these untruths. They are crushing your spirit and holding you captive. Ladies, it is time to kick the lies to the curb and embrace the truth: You are capable, beautiful as is, and have much to share during this season of life.
Lie #1: Intentional Intensity is King for Change
TRUTH: CONSISTENCY trumps intensity for lasting change. There is no denying focus and intensity is necessary for emerging habits to take root. The challenge begins when too much emphasis is placed on effort and not on consistency. Habits become automatic when they are incorporated on a regular basis. Celebrate the small steps. They add up over time. Commit to taking the next best step. Every. Single. Day.
Lie #2: Being Busy = Productive
TRUTH: BE BETTER than yesterday. This simple affirmation provides a reminder to make choices in support of living, working, and doing better. An endless “To Do” List of meaningless activities does not make for better human beings. Choose work that matters and strive to provide a little bit more service and value each day.
Lie #3: To Be Great, You Must Be Fixed
TRUTH: NUTURE THE GOOD by giving thanks and praise for what is. Instead of focusing on all that is wrong or not as good as you’d like, embrace what IS going well. Give yourself a pat on the back. Can you do more of the good thing so it bleeds over into other areas of your life and work?
Lie #4: Perfect First
TRUTH: THERE IS NO PERFECT. Ever. Period. We know this to be true but allow the idea to seep into our heart and mind and rob us of our joy. We waste soooo much time and energy trying to create an image of perfection. It is exhausting. Instead, strive to be perfectly imperfect. Accept this truth and you will enjoy life, settle into a state of peace, and uncover an abundance of time to do what matters most.
Lie #5: Working and Living Alone is Freeing
SISTERHOOD is a gift. Working and living in supportive communities allows us to thrive- creativity soars, limiting beliefs are snuffed out, and our light shines brighter. The truth is, we need each other. We need to trust, rely on, and depend upon others. Prioritize spending time with women who are committed to mutual support. Tap into a network or create a group of like-minded women. Do not wait one more day to seek out women who encourage, nourish, and build you up.
The lies have been exposed and the truth revealed. Commit to taking one or more action steps to affirm you believe the truth. Shoot me an email or share on my Facebook page how joy has emerged in your work and life.